Teaching and Assessment

Methods and Exams

Visiting students may find that the teaching methods and assessment at ESCI, International Business School, are quite different from what they are used to in their home institutions and countries. ESCI is not a university; most of the classes are interactive. The teachers all have a professional background in companies and provide the students with both technical and career building skills. In general the lectures are followed by real case studies and students are encouraged to participate in discussions and team work. If you have difficulties in understanding, please don’t be afraid to ask questions. You are welcome to meet the lecturers who will help you. All study abroad students will attend regular classes and so be assessed in the same way as the local students for participation, presentations and exams.

Student performance is assessed in two ways : Short quizzes, written reports or essays given throughout the semester allow teachers and instructors to check what their students have learned in each unit. For some courses, oral and written presentations and active participation might be requested. Examinations covering all the material presented during the semester are given at the end of each semester. Before making travel arrangements for the trip back home, visiting students have to make sure that the examinations are scheduled before they leave.


If the student has failed a course he/she is allowed to re-sit the exam. In some cases the student is permitted to re-sit the exams in his/her home institution. An official permission is needed from the partner institution. For all information, please contact the International Relations Office at ESCI.

Description of the institutional grading system

The French grading system is based on a 20-point scale, 20 is the highest and 0 the fail mark. With a mark of 10 the student passes. ESCI, International Business School, uses the following scale:

  • 17-20 A Excellent. Exceptional performance with only marginal mistakes
  • 15,6-16,9 B Very good. Above average overall outstanding work with some mistakes
  • 14-15,5 C Good. Work of quality but some basic mistakes
  • 12-13,9 D Satisfactory. Correct work but some deficiencies
  • 10-11,9 E Sufficient. Performance meets minimum criteria
  • 8-9,9 Fx Insufficient. Fail
  • 0-7,9 F Fail. Bad

The mark of 14/20 or 15/20 is quite good. Do not be disappointed when you do not obtain 18/20 or 19/20. These marks are really exceptional even for French students.

Date limite de candidature

Date de concours

Pass Marks

The required pass mark is 10. In most cases the mid-term examination (essay, presentation, etc.) counts for 40% and the final examination for 60% of the mark. For further explanation, please refer to the course outlines.


In general the Transcript of Records is issued in March and September. The original document will be sent by the staff of the International Relations Office directly to the home institution of the visiting student. The student may ask the International Relations Office for a photocopy. The Transcript of Records contains the following information:

– Name of the home and host institution and contact details
– Name, gender and email address of the student
– Title and ID code of the courses followed by the student – Grades and number of ECTS credits obtained by the student.

Language of Instruction

50% of the program is taught in English and ESCI also offers courses in French. Please refer to the course descriptions. A special language course – French as a Foreign Language – is offered each semester. We invite you to attend this class to improve your language skills and learn more about French culture, politics and economics.

Class Time

The classes are scheduled from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 12.30 with a break of 30 minutes (10.30 – 11.00) and from 14.00 to 17.30 with a break from 15.30 – 16.00.